Recognition on lottery
- 74.0% of the respondents agreed that ‘Considering various aspects, it is good to have a lottery’, which is a 0.3% increase compared to last year (73.7%), the second highest in history (74.5% in 2017).
- People recognized lotteries as positive items such as 'interest/fun in life' (74.0%), 'act of sharing' (73.6%), and 'transparent use of public funds' (60.7%) increased.
Priority in Lottery Fund Support
- The response "Support low-income housing stability" was 46.0%, which is a 2.5% decrease from last year(48.5%).
- “Support Lottery Fund Scholarship Project" showed an increase from 22.0% in 2021 to 25.8% in 2022, while "welfare for the underprivileged" showed a slight (0.6%) increase from 15.7%.
Lottery purchase experience in the last year
- As a result of asking about the experience of purchasing a lottery ticket within the last year, 56.5% answered “yes”.
- 26.2% of people buy lottery tickets ‘once a month’, followed by ‘every week’ (24.4%) and ‘every two weeks’ (15.7%).
- For pension lottery tickets and instant lottery tickets, purchasers of ‘once a month’ accounted for the highest percentages at 23.1% and 28.4%, respectively.
Lottery purchase amount
- Most of the lottery and pension lottery buyers spend less than 10,000 won.
- The average lottery ticket amount for a single purchase was 9,204 won for a lottery ticket and 8,374 won for a pension lottery.
Distribution by income quintile
※ This survey of 1,020 men and women aged 19 years and
above was conducted by Ipsos for 30 days between October 04th,
2022 to November, 04th, 2022, (±3.1 sampling error, 95% confidence